Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac Explained

Why did God order Abraham to sacrifice his son? If God is a God of love, how could he reward Abraham’s willingness to slaughter his only son? This sounds barbaric. This sounds evil. How could this be right?

In this article, I will deliver a perfect answer in regard to this question.

Read more Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac Explained

The Gospel is the Judgment

There is a lot of speculation and confusion surrounding the nature of the final judgement. Many dispensationalists and some grace-only Christians actually believe that their works will be judged in the last day for reward. They go so far as to say that we will be judged at “the bema seat,” and that unbelievers will be judged at the “Great White Throne Judgement.” Read more The Gospel is the Judgment

Calvinism Is Antichrist, Doctrines of Devils

Calvinism is a self-defeating, incoherent, slippery doctrine that has privily made its way into the church. Its proponents are men of renown (at least in Christendom) who are revered as being champions and heralds of truth when, in reality, they are nothing more than closet devil worshipers. Read more Calvinism Is Antichrist, Doctrines of Devils

Nobody Has Ever Repented from Sin

Be careful of all the Youtube preachers and works-based teachers that claim that you must turn from sin to either please God or to be born again, or what have you. This is not true. Do not be swayed by their twisting of scripture.

Because, first of all, nobody has ever turned away from sin. Sin is literally defined as: “transgression of the law.” Read more Nobody Has Ever Repented from Sin