Calvinism Is Antichrist, Doctrines of Devils

Calvinism is a self-defeating, incoherent, slippery doctrine that has privily made its way into the church. Its proponents are men of renown (at least in Christendom) who are revered as being champions and heralds of truth when, in reality, they are nothing more than closet devil worshipers. Read more Calvinism Is Antichrist, Doctrines of Devils

Book of Hebrews, Chapter 6 & 10 (Sin Willfully) Explained

Hebrews 6 and 10 are another commonly misinterpreted piece of scripture that seem to suggest that salvation might by lost by sins. While the surface reading seems to suggest this, the truth is that it does not. If taken in context, the entire book of Hebrews is intended to have the opposite result. Read more Book of Hebrews, Chapter 6 & 10 (Sin Willfully) Explained